The Importance of Social Health
Everyday, we are reminded of the importance of physical exercise for health. In every modern city, there are gyms, personal trainers, outdoor exercise bars, cycle lanes and many other ways for people to stay fit and healthy. In recent years, more and more emphasis has rightly been placed on the importance of practicing good mental health routines, such as mindfulness and behavioral activation.
Often overlooked however, is the third pillar of health, Social Health. Social Health can be understood as the ability to form relationships with other people and interact in healthy, positive ways. It’s a key determinant of fun and happiness.
The effects of Covid-19 will take a while to be understood but there has been a large hit to people’s Social Health in the last 18 months.
Routines and habits which were natural for people before March 2020 (leaving the house, going into offices, meeting up after work, going to friend’s houses) have become the exception rather than the norm. A lot of the ‘weak ties’ (acquaintances you would see infrequently) that we relied on for news, gossip and banter were lost as we massively reduced our social networks to close friends and family.
Practicing good Social Health can be as simple as meeting up with a friend you haven’t seen in a while for a walk or a coffee. It can be calling a friend from home that you haven’t spoke to in a while. It can be saying Yes to that sport class your friend asked you to come along to. It can be going for a drink with colleagues after work.
Social Health is intrinsically linked to the other Pillars of Health, Physical and Mental. By playing on a sports team or meeting up with a friend for a walk or game of tennis, you are practicing good Physical, Mental and Social Health. Human beings are social creatures and practicing positive Social Health has a hugely beneficial effect on your mood and your Mental Health.